Thursday, March 27, 2008

an update..

If anyone actually reads this blog, here's some new information about what's going on.

Me and Anette went to the RMIT Union Arts Council meeting today. They were talking about these art fundings they give out each semester. But eventually they said that the fundings are not really meant for graduate exhibitions but more given to students that are doing projects on the side of RMIT. So I'm not sure if we should apply anyway. If we want to the application needs to be handed in on April the 7th before 5pm.

Money sponsorship proposal
People have been asking me about this. At the moment Natalie has written a proposal and Carmen has helpt us with different facts and numbers and now Ward's friends is hopefully gonna help us and have a look at it and then it should be ready to go! It will probably need some adjustments done to it depending on who it's meant for. But we'll get back on that in class or come and talk to anyone of us in the committee about it.

Also, Ward and Gita have been around looking for spaces and we might have found a space in Fitzroy that is big enough for all of us. It's an old warehouse that has been cobverted into an artspace. We still don't know how much it is or what the deal is so we are gonna have a meeting with the guy who runs it. But apparently he seemed up for it and willing to help us out and his wife is a former rmit student. If there's anything you want us to ask him come and talk to me, anette, ward or gita.

That's all for now...

// Elin

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