Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Phone numbers!

for us to be able to contact everyone when necessary we need phone numbers!!! (do note that you still need to read the blog to know what's going on with the exhibition, no one is gonna call you just to give you an update... it's your responsibility to keep yourself updated!!!)

Please give us your number as a 'COMMENT' to this post. In that case this will be a complete list of phone numbers in ONE place and not all over the blog.

Elin 0411044175


Ward Roberts said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pete said...

Peter Ryle 0437620387

Pete said...

Also, what were the quotes you got from graphic designers? My house mate is a graphic design student in 3rd year and may be able to help (he's very good)?

Tama said...

Tama 0410 165 283

Lynda said...

Lynda Collier 0412 641 606

melanie said...

melanie tanusetiawan 0422357223

jess said...

jess dcruze 0423840944

Anette said...

anette 0406683627

Sarah Wind said...

Sarah Wind 0439369638

Ashley van Raaphorst said...

Ashley van Raaphorst 0424889488