Sunday, May 11, 2008


Hi All

Not sure where everything is at with the space. Has anyone checked out the Abbotsford Convent. Not sure of the exact size but the image on the site suggests a fair space.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Update late April

Hello everyone,

some of you are a bit curious of what's going on with the exhibition. So here are some information.

We are done with the sposorship proposal and we will tell you more about it during folio class on Thursday the 1st of May. There is gonna be a system so that we don't send out proposals to the same place more than once.

We don't have a space for the exhibition yet so it looks like it might be the car park again depending on availability and such. If anyone has any other suggestion PLEASE come and talk to us in the exhibition committee.

Thats all for now I think.

And yeah, everyone has been sent an invitation to this blog (to their student emails) so check that if you wanna be able to publish posts onto the blog.

Ha det på badet!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

an update..

If anyone actually reads this blog, here's some new information about what's going on.

Me and Anette went to the RMIT Union Arts Council meeting today. They were talking about these art fundings they give out each semester. But eventually they said that the fundings are not really meant for graduate exhibitions but more given to students that are doing projects on the side of RMIT. So I'm not sure if we should apply anyway. If we want to the application needs to be handed in on April the 7th before 5pm.

Money sponsorship proposal
People have been asking me about this. At the moment Natalie has written a proposal and Carmen has helpt us with different facts and numbers and now Ward's friends is hopefully gonna help us and have a look at it and then it should be ready to go! It will probably need some adjustments done to it depending on who it's meant for. But we'll get back on that in class or come and talk to anyone of us in the committee about it.

Also, Ward and Gita have been around looking for spaces and we might have found a space in Fitzroy that is big enough for all of us. It's an old warehouse that has been cobverted into an artspace. We still don't know how much it is or what the deal is so we are gonna have a meeting with the guy who runs it. But apparently he seemed up for it and willing to help us out and his wife is a former rmit student. If there's anything you want us to ask him come and talk to me, anette, ward or gita.

That's all for now...

// Elin

Monday, March 17, 2008

An email I got from Les

Me and Anette are go to this meeting, anyone else who wants to join us?

// Elin

> RMIT students: Get funding for your arts projects or programs -
> Info session
> Friday 28 March
> RMIT Union Arts Council, a student-run group, invites you to an
> information
> session to find out about arts funding for 2008. Whether you're a
> full-time
> or part-time, local or International RMIT student, you can apply
> for up to
> $2500 per semester from Arts Council for an arts project or program.
> We encourage groups and individuals to create art in all forms. Your
> project/program has to be happening in 2008 and the more chances
> for other
> RMIT students to get involved the better. Projects emphasising arts on
> campus are ideal.
> For funding guidelines and application forms come to the information
> session:
> . When: Friday 28 March, 12:30pm to 2:30pm
> . Where: University Function Room, Level 1, 360 Swanston
> Street, City
> campus (next to the Kaleide Theatre).
> . RSVP essential: Contact Arts Council President Marco Cher-
> Gibard at
> <>
> or on 0423 656 702.
> Semester One funding applications are due 5pm Monday 7 April to the
> Union
> Arts office (across the foyer from Kaleide Theatre). Funding
> decisions will
> be announced on Monday 28 April.
> For queries related to your funding application contact Arts
> Council Grants
> Convenor Marcia Jane at <>
> We look forward to seeing you there!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Let's meet up and see how everyone is going.

Next meeting is Tuesday 110308 @ 5.30 (before the business class). See you in the 3rd year lab.

If you want to be a part of the committee please come to the meetings or tell someone in committee if you can't make it.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

GOLD COIN DONATION and committee meeting

We currently have a business account set up at the Commonwealth Bank. This is the account that last years 3rd years used and have given to us now. The account is empty and there is a monthly service fee that needs to be paid until be start getting any money in from sponsorships so if everyone could give a gold coin donation in Thursday's folio class the cost will be covered for a while...


The next exhibition committee meeting is on Tuesday the 4th of March at 5.30pm before the business class. Let's meet in the 3rd year lab!


Anyone that wants to be a part of the exhibition committee are more than welcome to. However everyone that wants to exhibit at the third year graduate exhibition should be helping out in one way or another!

So, at this stage the two foremost important things to sort are:

1. Finding a space big enough to fit us all
There are probably just about a couple of existing gallery spaces that are big enough to fit us all and they are both very expensive and has got several restrictions such as that they need money upfront when booking and that they wanna see examples of the work being exhibited etc. Other alternatives to look in to are warehouses, office buildings, apartment blocks, docklands, car parks and so on. We need to start contacting real estate agencies and see if any of these options are even possible. Many spaces like these are on very long leases...

No money no exhibition... It's relatively easy to get alcohol for free or good deals on catering, framing etc but what we really need is money! Money money money!!!

Here is one idea:
Since none of us (at least of what we know) have done this kind of thing before it's very difficult to get money sponsorships (as previous years have experiences ). So it might be a good idea to try to find and hire some one that works with thees kind of things. A person that would get us sponsorships in exchange for a certain percentage of the money etc.

Most businesses finishes budgeting for the year the 31st of March, so this is one thing we really need to get on top of now!!!

Anyone got any other idea or knows someone that deals with these kind of issues? Anything anyone???

Other things that needs to be looked into but that are not as urgent are:
*framing, how many sizes? The more sizes the more expensive it will be. Also depends on the kind of space we'll get.
*graphic design. We've got a quote from the two graphic designers that did last years graduate exhibition.
*drinks: alcohol> wine beer the more the better! :)
*catering. anyone that's got any contacts???

If you've got any questions or ideas please write on the blog or contact any of the people in the exhibition committee.

Phone numbers!

for us to be able to contact everyone when necessary we need phone numbers!!! (do note that you still need to read the blog to know what's going on with the exhibition, no one is gonna call you just to give you an update... it's your responsibility to keep yourself updated!!!)

Please give us your number as a 'COMMENT' to this post. In that case this will be a complete list of phone numbers in ONE place and not all over the blog.

Elin 0411044175

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

3rd year graduate exhibition

Hello everyone! We are now 3rd years so it's time for us to organize an amazing exhibition at the end of the year... And we wanna do even better than previous years. Lots lots to do so it's time to start working now!